As any criminal defense lawyer in Charleston, SC will tell you, drug possession charges are very serious. It’s important to understand what a drug possession charge means before you can think about getting it dropped. Here are several important things that the downtown Charleston drug crime attorney at The Curry Law Firm wants you to know about drug possession charges:
- You may face federal and state penalties – You may know to expect federal penalties if you’re charged with drug possession. However, you can also expect state penalties to be added on to your case. Each state’s drug possession penalties vary depending on the type of drugs you had, the amount of drugs in your possession, and the number of convictions you have received. There’s a lot to know and it can be overwhelming without an experienced criminal lawyer on your side.
- You may have to go to a special drug court – Many states have established drug courts to specifically handle drug possession and other related cases. However, the goal of these courts is often to rehabilitate the defendant rather than sentence them to jail time. Defendants who pursue this option can usually expect to complete 12 to 15 months of treatment and will be required to pass a number of drug tests. Defendants may also have to go before a judge on a regular basis throughout the process.
- Ask for a case review from a criminal lawyer in Charleston, SC – You should always seek legal guidance from a criminal lawyer for these types of charges. A lawyer will offer you guidance and advice on the best strategies for your case. Your lawyer should advise you of all your options and seek the best possible outcome in your case.
If you need a lawyer in Charleston, SC to help you with a drug possession charge, call The Curry Law Firm. Our attorneys have the experience and knowledge needed to guide you through this situation. Call today for a consultation.
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